InTime リリース ノート

2.5.0 リリースノート

2.5.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.5.0 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Speed up turnaround time by automatically stopping builds based on post-placement timing estimates.
  2. Reduce bandwidth demand and result download time by adding an option to download results without downloading compilation output files e.g. netlists.
  3. Support for Quartus Prime Pro 17.1, Vivado 2017.3 and Vivado 2017.4.
    Quartus Prime Pro 17.1、 Vivado 2017.3、及び Vivado 2017.4 をサポート
  4. Resume a recipe after a stop or crash.


  1. Automatically adjust input ranges for the Clock Margin Exploration recipe (Vivado).
  2. Dynamically change the maximum run time for Private Cloud jobs.
  3. Added optimization strategies to the Extra Opt recipe (Vivado).
  4. Deep Dive recipe now warns users about insufficient number of results, instead of reporting an error.
  5. Faster communication between the InTime agent and the InTime server.
  6. InTime terminates faster when an invalid parent revision is selected.


  1. Fixed a bug where Vivado processes were not terminated properly.
  2. Remedied an issue where InTime reported an error when the optimization Goal was met.
  3. Fixed a display problem where the InTime splash screen was not always at the top.
  4. Rectified an error in the Re-run Strategies recipe where the wrong strategies were re-run.
  5. Grey out invalid properties according to different Run Targets.
  6. Corrected a bug where the Power column values were blank for Arria 10 designs.
  7. Fixed an issue where user-defined tags for results were wrongly deleted.
  8. Rectified a bug in which the "Just Compile My Design" recipe could not executed on the Private Cloud.

2.4.0 リリースノート

2.4.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.4.0 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Added support for Stratix 10 device family in Quartus Prime Pro 17.1 (Early Access)
    Quartus Prime Pro 17.1(Early Access)でのStratix 10デバイスファミリのサポート
  2. Added .result command in the Private Cloud Console to display result in a formatted table.
    Private Cloud コンソールに .result コマンドを追加、フォーマットされたテーブルで実行結果を表示
  3. Enable the user to choose a specific clock for the Fmax display.
  4. Support for a “<port number>@<IP>”-type license string in the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to specify the port and location of InTime Server.
    “<port number>@<IP>”のサポート - LM_LICENSE_FILE環境変数にInTime Serverのポートと場所を指定するためにライセンス文字列を入力
  5. Added -tc argument to InTime for quickly specifying the target toolchain.
    ターゲットのツールチェインを簡単に指定できるように、InTimeに -tc 引数を追加


  1. Better error handling with more informative messages and stack traces.


  1. Rectified an issue with the Clock Margin recipe (for Vivado) which led to invalid strategies after generation and export.
    生成とエクスポート後に無効なストラテジに導いてしまったClock Margin レシピ(Vivado用)の問題を修正しました
  2. Fixed a bug in InTime Server where a worker was assigned a JobID 0.
    WorkerにJobID 0が割り当てしまうInTime Serverの不具合を修正しました
  3. Fixed a display bug whereby a textbox turned black in color after applying a verification code.
  4. Corrected Fmax calculation in cases where timing slack is positive (timing has already passed).

2.3.0 リリース ノート

2.3.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.3.0 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Support for Quartus Standard 17.0.0 and Quartus Pro 17.0.0.
    Quartus Standard 17.0.0 及び Quartus Pro 17.0.0をサポート
  2. New clock margin exploration recipe.
    clock margin exploration recipeを新たに追加
  3. Add line number beside session log.
    session logの横に行番号を表示


  1. InTime will now stop if Disk quota exceeded is detected.


  1. Fixed an issue where project path with blank space.

2.2.3 リリース ノート

2.2.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.2.3 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Fixed an issue regarding JobID was not returned correctly.
    Job IDに関連する値が正確に返されない問題を修正しました

2.2.2 リリース ノート

2.2.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.2.2 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Fixed an issue regarding GUI freezes sometimes.

2.2.1 リリース ノート

2.2.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.2.1 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Enhanced results-syncing speed
  2. Improved Vivado design compilation time by removing extraneous steps.
    不要なステップを削除して、 Vivado デザインのコンパイル時間を改善しました


  1. Fixed an issue regarding improper detection of RAMB36/FIFO elements in Vivado utilization reports.
    Vivado 使用レポートで RAMB36 /FIFO エレメントの不正確な検出に関しての問題を修正しました
  2. Fixed an issue where the goal-met check at the beginning of a new round used the wrong result for comparison.
    goal-met check の値を変更した場合に新ラウンドの開始時に異なった値を比較していた問題を修正しました
  3. Fixed a case when InTime was not able to handle a corrupted Vivado project.

2.2.0 リリース ノート

2.2.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.2.0 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Support for Vivado 2017.1.
    Vivado 2017.1をサポート
  2. Evaluation users can now generate a dynamic code in order to export a result for verification purposes.
  3. Option to right-click on a revision and create the programming file (Vivado-only).
    Revisionの右クリックでプログラミングファイルが作成可能 (Vivadoのみ対応)
  4. Users can now specify synthesis and implementation run names to be used in the strategy export scripts.
    ユーザーが ストラテジーのスクリプトをエクスポートする時に合成及びインプリメンテーションの実行名を指定することができるようになりました


  1. Enhanced results-syncing interface to make it simpler to use.
  2. Significantly reduced the runtime of Extra Opt Exploration (Vivado-only) operations by re-using routed netlists when possible.
    ネットリストの再配線機能が可能な場合はExtra Opt Exploration (Vivadoのみ)の実行時間を極めて減らすことができます
  3. Made it easier to solve overfitting issues automatically by adding more settings that are beneficial for resource utilization.
  4. Make license usage reports for the Private Cloud available via a web browser.
    Private Cloud環境でのライセンス使用率レポートがWebブラウザで確認できるようになりました


  1. Fixed an issue where the PLACEMENT_TYPE setting had more possible values than planned.
  2. Fixed a problem where the Goal Based Target from the parent revision was used for the current revision.

2.1.0 リリース ノート


  1. Revamped mechanism for syncing results between multiple users, machines and projects to make it much easier than before.

2.0.1 リリース ノート

2.0.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.0.1 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Fixed an issue where the Quartus Automatic Placement recipe stalls on a corner case.
    Quartus Auto Placement recipeを実行時に特定の条件下で動作しなくなる現象を修正

2.0.0 リリース ノート

2.0.x は別途対応するライセンスが必要です。旧バージョンよりアップグレードする場合は .plunify フォルダのバックアップをお取りください。

2.0.0 の新しい機能、改善や修正を次に示します:


  1. Auto Placement in Quartus Prime Pro (see an overview here).
    Auto Placement機能をQuartus Prime Proに追加
  2. Tcl script to censor relevant sections of InTime logs for ease of feedback.
  3. Enable the user to associate projects together to share learning insights (Quartus only).
  4. Better keyboard support for Linux Operating System.
  5. View license usage report in InTime Server.


  1. Placement Exploration (original blog post) now checks Site Type before assigning a new placement location.
    Placement Explorationは新しい配置情報を割り当てる前にサイトタイプを確認
  2. Placement Exploration now generates placements without the need for previous InTime-compiled results.
    Placement Explorationは以前のInTimeコンパイル済み結果を必要とせずに配置を生成可能
  3. Output error if a Private Cloud worker is running out of disk space before starting compilation.
    Private Cloud作業時、ディスク容量に不足が考えられる場合は、コンパイル開始前にエラーを出力
  4. Make automatic design overfit adjustments persistent across multiple InTime rounds.
  5. Inherit Auto Placement settings from parent revision(s).
    ParentリビジョンからAuto Placement設定を継承
  6. Increased the range of possible adjustments for Placement Exploration.
    Placement Explorationの調整可能な範囲を増加


  1. Fixed an issue where a Vivado parent revision results were not re-used when the design was unchanged.
    デザインに変更が無かった時にVivado Parent Revisonの結果が再使用されないことがあるのを修正
  2. Fixed an issue where ISE and Vivado results were not displayed correctly when the compilation failed to complete.
  3. Fixed an issue where design compilation fails if the Quartus project has user-defined partitions.
    Quartus プロジェクトがユーザー定義パーティションを持っている場合にデザインコンパイルが失敗することがあるのを修正
  4. Fixed an issue where a DCP project was unnecessarily re-implemented during Extra Opt Exploration.
    DCPプロジェクトでExtra Opt Explorationを実行の際に不必要に再実行されることがあるのを修正

1.6.0 Release Notes

Licenses for 1.6.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Automatic Placement adjustments for Quartus-II / Quartus Prime Standard Edition designs to improve timing performance.
  2. Automatic Placement exploration for Vivado designs to improve timing performance.
  3. Auto-correction of resource over-fitting for Quartus-II and Quartus Prime designs.
  4. Support for Vivado 2016.4 and Quartus Prime Standard and Pro Edition 16.1.


  1. Imposed a 1-hour timeout on the downloading of files by Private Cloud worker processes, so that if the network becomes bogged down, compilation jobs can still continue.
  2. Speeded up build runtimes via better use of CPU threads.
  3. Separated the license server and job controller components of the InTime Server, in order to reduce the burden on the license machine.
  4. Improved color coding for the results displayed in the InTime client for ease of interpretation.
  5. Made error and warning messages easier to understand in general.
  6. Merged the Vivado Directive Exploration and Non-directive Exploration recipes into the InTime Default recipe for greater ease of use.


  1. Added support for the Exceed X-client in the JP locale.
  2. Worked around a bug in Vivado where paths to .coe (IP Coefficient) files were set incorrectly.
  3. Fixed an issue where generated results in a Vivado project were not copied to the compilation processes.
  4. Corrected issues with compilation of DCP projects in Private Cloud mode where the job was unable to proceed to the subsequent round despite having valid results.

1.5.13 Release Notes

Licenses for 1.5.x will be valid for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. This version includes the following fixes, improvements and new features.


  1. Support for Quartus Prime Pro Edition (16.0 only).
  2. Added "Memory Usage" and "Concurrent Build Overview" options to the Private Cloud Console menu for quicker access to this information.
  3. Worst Slack values in the results panel are now color-coded
    (Green: better than the original result; yellow: worse; white: unchanged).
  4. Long column headings in the results panel are now wrapped to the next line for ease of viewing.
  5. Added the build number to the InTime installer's display, so that it is easier to distinguish between InTime versions.


  1. Improved accuracy of the Deep Dive algorithm in ISE designs, for faster timing closure.


  1. The Vivado Extra Optimization recipe now clears the "strategy prefix" field properly.
  2. Fixed a bug where the sorting by area in the Goal-based plots was not done correctly.
  3. Timing estimates are now displayed in grey in the results panel.

1.5.11 Release Notes

Licenses for 1.5.x will be valid for this version. We encourage you to make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. This version includes the following fixes and features.


  1. Display failing paths in "selected result" tab for Vivado results
  2. Show interim results for "Extra Optimization" recipe even when it times out or error out
  3. Enable auto maximum run time


  1. Learning bug that happened only on Windows OS
  2. InTime does not inherit existing directives from parent revisions correctly
  3. Some errors in ISE  not flagged properly
  4. Stop Recipe does not terminate processe properly
  5. Vivado 2016.x does not compile example project properly as it was generated from older Vivado versions
  6. File conflicts when InTime agents are cleaning up files, causing new runs to fail
  7. Vivado results export bug if root parent has non-default directives
  8. Synthesis Exploration not working when using Vivado 2016.x
  9. Cursor remained as an hourglass after "Stop Recipe"
  10. License information length can cause connection to reset or timeout


  1. Added a feature to intimeserver.jar to use a properties.ini file to set properties.
  2. Improved logging and test scripts for InTime Agent for troubleshooting
  3. Settings filters are cleared when InTime is stopped
  4. Enabled a timeout for some dialog boxes
  5. Do not show Pulse Width for ISE results
  6. Updated QuartusII settings in InTime
  7. Disabling "re-run" results for custom parent revision

Older Versions

For older release notes, please refer to this page.