日志目录用于存储日志文件, Linux默认目录为 /home/<username>/.plunify/<username>_<mac>/log;Windows系统下为C:\Users\<username>\.plunify\<username>_<mac>\log。该目录内存随时间增大,不过,建议定期进行清理。一些IT政策也可能限制用户主目录储存空间。
- 系统推荐的会话目录最小磁盘空间为10GB。
- 用户必须对新目录有编写权限。
- 新目录必须有充足的磁盘空间。
- 请注意,系统推荐的磁盘空间仅供参考。实际内存需求根据项目和代理数量而有所不同。
打开服务器后台管理 (步骤2.2 启动后台管理) ,打开.global.set.client_action
命令。以下示例演示如何添加 bsub
action 动作。
user> .admin admin> .global.del.client_action=1 Proceed to delete selected client? ('n' for No or 'y' for Yes) [n] admin.confirm> y admin> .global.set.client_action Enter action type, use .end to exit session. Types: ('1' for for Job Initialization) [1] admin.type> 1 Enter Operating System, use .end to exit session. Operating System: ('1' for Linux, '2' for Windows) [1] admin.os> 1 Enter script to execute, use .end to exit session. admin.exec> bsub (Optional) Enter script arguments, use .end to exit session. admin.args> ${USER_ARGS} ${INTIME_HOME}/intime_agent.sh -custom_logs_path /mnt/intime/log -mode background -platform minimal -ip ${INTIME_SERVER} -comport ${INTIME_PORT} -remote_job ${REMOTE_JOB_ID} -max_runs ${AGENT_MAX_RUNS} -no_agent_limit Enter trigger base on the type, use .end to exit session. Triggers: ('1' for Single, '2' for Revision, '3' for Concurrent Runs) [3] admin.trigger> 3 (Optional) Enter working directory, use .end to exit session. admin.directory> Enter option to abort job if fail, use .end to exit session. Abort job if fail: ('1' for yes, '2' for no) [1] admin.option> 1 Enter a number where script will be executed, 0 first to be executed, use .end to exit session. [4] admin.order> 0 Action Type : init Operating System : linux Execute : bsub Arguments : ${USER_ARGS} ${INTIME_HOME}/intime_agent.sh -custom_logs_path /mnt/intime/log -mode background -platform minimal -ip ${INTIME_SERVER} -comport ${INTIME_PORT} -remote_job ${REMOTE_JOB_ID} -max_runs ${AGENT_MAX_RUNS} -no_agent_limit Trigger type : con_runs Working Directory : Abort job if fail : 1 Order : 0 Save to session? ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [y] admin.confirm> y Add more client settings? ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [y] admin.confirm> n admin>
- Linux操作系统
- Windows操作系统
知识库编号:6015 - 最终审查:2016年5月28日- 修订:1.0