AI Lab

Synchronize Files from AILab Desktop to Your Cloud Storage

138 views April 25, 2020 kirvy 0

Files can be transferred in and out of the AILab server to the desktop. A designated folder, called "Projects", is located at /Home/Desktop/Projects/. To transfer any files in and out of the desktop, simply save or copy the files in this folder. Similarly, on the browser, there is an exact replica which will allow you to download the file to the local desktop.

How to download?

1. To do so, first, save the files to be downloaded in this folder. In the example, a is saved.

2. Click on the "Back To Cloud" button. A prompt will appear to confirm your action.

3. It will take some time to upload the files to the browser, depending on how big is the file. Click on the "Refresh" button.

4. When the file appears, it is ready to be downloaded. Click on the "Download" button to download the file.