InTime Release Notes

2024.1 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. Added support for Quartus Prime Pro v24.1.
  2. Added support for Libero SoC v2024.1.
  3. Implemented Congestion, Control Set tracking in Learning recipes and Analysis.
  4. Introduced an option to export the Critical Path Analysis in CSV format for ease of sharing information.
  5. (Vivado) Created new [step_dcp_generation] postOptDcp boolean variable to enable job termination after running opt_design.
  6. (Quartus) Added new 'Balance Power & Timing' Auto Pilot template which optimizes the parent revision for estimated power consumption and tries to maintain the timing at the same time.
  7. (Quartus) Introduced new [report_generation] numPaths and numSetupAnalysisPaths integer variables to let the user specify the number of timing paths to extract per endpoint for the summary and setup path analysis respectively.
  8. (Vivado) Terminate jobs at user-specified compiler stages so that per-step analysis is more flexible.
  9. (Vivado) Added new [route_design_param] priorityNets string variable in the user INI file to allow users to specify critical nets to route first.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Fixed a bug where a Private Cloud job could not be terminated.
  2. Made job termination more granular and graceful by targeting specific process IDs.


  1. (Libero) Increased the types of IO that are automatically floorplanned.
  2. (Libero) Enhanced the variety of floorplanning strategies and added support for more PolarFire and PolarFire SOC devices.
  3. (Quartus) Fixed a bug where the Worst Hold paths were not displayed in the Selected Results contents.
  4. (Quartus) Critical Path Analysis: Combined paths with trailing bus indices and ~DUPLICATE suffixes to give a clearer picture of critical paths occurrences.
  5. Fixed compiler option conflicts for Vivado v2023.x
  6. Added counts for the Settings Usage plot.
  7. Enhanced Selected Result content navigation with an index for quicker access.
  8. Improved resource estimate display before the start of each job, in order to show the estimated disk usage of the job.

2023.2 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. (Vivado) Improved clustering and resource balancing algorithms for the Auto Floorplan recipe, making the choice of logic partitions and regions more flexible.
  2. (Quartus Prime Pro) Added beta Auto Floorplan support for specific Agilex 7 devices.
  3. Added support for Vivado v2023.2 and above.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Enhanced the "cluster" mode for Private Cloud so that InTime users using the SSH protocol and shared network volumes can directly use their projects' sub-folders as compilation working directories.


  1. Enhanced the Design Assessment Report to track more bottlenecks.
  2. Fixed display bugs in the Congestion Analysis and Multi-die Analysis tabs in the Analyze Results section.
  3. (Vivado) Detect routing node overlaps and/or unrouted nets that do not lead to routing errors.
  4. (Vivado) Enable the user to specify the number of worst timing paths to extract from the design, in order to control the extraction runtime.

2023.1 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. (Libero) Enable users to specify critical clocks for optimization.
  2. Supports Libero v2023.1 and above.
  3. (Vivado) Support early termination of build if the post-placement timing for a specified clock is bad.
  4. (Vivado) Support early termination of build if the post-placement SLL number is beyond a specified threshold.
  5. Supports Vivado v2023.1 and above.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Speed up downloads of results from the Private Cloud and Plunify Cloud modes.


  1. Enhanced the Auto Pilot recipe to make it detect existing issues and recommend an appropriate Auto Pilot flow.
  2. When generating floorplans, the Auto Pilot recipe will retry deeper instance hierarchies if a shallow hierarchy level fails to generate any strategy.
  3. Made hold-fixing optional (via the toolchain's INI file) so that the Extra Opt recipe can complete faster.
  4. (Vivado) Display intermediate timing summaries in the Selected Results tab for ease of viewing.
  5. Detect and use the post-synthesis netlist if it is available.

2022.2.2 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. Allow users to specify an existing routed or post-synthesis netlist file to be used as a reference for floorplanning.
  2. Added support for AMD/Xilinx Versal HBM 1782 devices.
  3. Introduced new Hot Start strategies for Libero place and route optimizations.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Add the "flow unset parent_revision" Tcl command to reset the parent revision to the original one.
  2. Enable users to select off-peak servers which are cheaper for compilation.


  1. Rectified an issue in recognizing unrouted nets at the end of the routing step.

2022.2.1 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. Enable a Tcl command for Libero users to specify clocks for InTime to adjust.
  2. Fixed a bug with the way in which a user specifies the floorplanning hierarchy.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Set the InTime database mode to "Project" mode by default so that users can share their InTime optimizations with team members by simply copying their projects.


  1. Corrected a bug in Clock Exploration that skipped certain clock names.
  2. Added a way via the user INI file to specify timing types for analysis, so that extraction time is shortened.

2022.2 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. Added new Clock Exploration recipe for automatically adjusting clock constraints in Quartus Prime. Users can specify clocks for InTime to adjust.
  2. Introduced the Design Assessment Report for Vivado, Quartus Prime and Libero toolchains.
  3. Added automatic Mux Restructuring when attempting to correct resource over-fitting.
  4. Fixed a potential issue with evaluation of node overlaps after routing.
  5. Introduced automatic floorplanning for selected PolarFire and RTG4 Microchip devices.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Introduced support for the SLURM distributed workload management system.
  2. Added options to use the zip utility instead of the FPGA vendor software's archival utility, in case the latter does not include all required files.
  3. Excluded unused runs from project archive to reduce its file size.


  1. Support Quartus Pro 22.3.x, 22.4.x
  2. Enhanced the Auto Pilot Template names to s
  3. Merged the SSI Exploration recipe into Auto Floorplan.

2022.1.2 Release Notes


User Flow

  1. Display the Design Assessment Report in the InTime GUI for ease of use.
  2. Automatically refresh floorplanning files when floorplanning options are changed, to ensure that new option values take effect.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Updated AWS JDK 1.3 files for Plunify Cloud.


  1. Added an "Open in Browser" button for users to view the Connectivity Analysis in a larger web browser screen.
  2. Fixed a compilation completion bug in the Just Compile My Design recipe.

2022.1.1 Release Notes


Quality of Results

  1. Beta support of Automatic Floorplanning for selected Microchip Libero PolarFire devices.
  2. Introduced option to add false path constraints for asynchronous paths.
  3. Show heatmap of utilization per clock region in the Design Assessment Report.

User Flow

  1. Added parameters for BRAM18, BRAM36, DSP instance limits to assist user in configuring floorplanning options.
  2. Allow users to prioritize certain clocks for floorplanning by specifying the clock names in the intime_viv.ini configuration file.
  3. Enable users to specify a post-synthesis, pre-opt_design DCP for analysis.
  4. Added "misc fp_settings" command to display current floorplanning settings.
  5. Introduced Connectivity Analysis chart in the Result Analysis.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Added support for server farms with customized distribution software libraries.


  1. Shortened reporting time by trimming unnecessary data columns.
  2. Added floorplanning support for Versal xcvm1402 devices.
  3. Added "maxHierarchicalDepth" variable in the intime_viv.ini user configuration file so that users can reduce the data extraction time by specifying a lower value for the hierarchical depth to explore.

2022.1 Release Notes


Version Numbering Change

  1. With effect from this release, InTime version numbering will adopt a <Year in YYYY>.<Major Release number>.<Patch number> format. This makes it easier for customers to track InTime releases and determine if updates are required.
  2. Customers upgrading to the new version will receive a new license as well.

Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. Added strategies to the Auto Floorplan recipe in terms of combinations of floorplanned instances.
  2. Introduced the new Design Assessment Report feature that analyzes your original design and assesses its potential of Placement, Routing and Timing failures.
  3. Created a new recipe called Quick Assessment to test if your design can be placed and routed.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Fixed a bug when importing data from previous compilations.


  1. Support Vivado 2021.x and 2022.x versions.
  2. Support Libero 2022.1
  3. Support Quartus Pro 22.1.x and 22.2.x

3.3 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. (Vivado) Added physical optimizations to the Extra Opt recipe to further increase performance.
  2. (Quartus) Use post-synthesis snapshots to reduce runtime if they are available.
  3. Added more fields in the Bottleneck Report for Quartus designs.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Added a new Tcl command (misc set clean_schedule <days>) to enable the user to free diskspace by cleaning up DCP files regularly.


  1. Support Quartus Prime Pro 21.4.x.
  2. Reduced the size of project archives when copying them for parallel compilation.
  3. Extended the critical warning/error checks for Libero designs to highlight more issues.
  4. Prompt the user for a routed DCP before starting a recipe, in case the user's design has been compiled outside of InTime.

3.2 Release Notes


Quality of Results / Machine Learning

  1. Ease of filtering of design results using a Design Tag. Assign and use a custom string to synchronize and collaborate data between teams and across machines.
  2. Bottlenecks Analysis (Vivado) - Generate a detailed report to highlight specific challenges in the design: logic levels, delays, clock and data paths, die crossings, placement and correlation of the bottlenecks to performance.
  3. Resource Over-fitting Mitigation - Automatically adjust settings to compensate for resource over-fits during compilation.
  4. Added a new Clock Exploration recipe (Quartus Prime) to adjust clocks for better performance.
  5. (Quartus Prime) Support the Agilex device family.
  6. (Libero, Quartus Prime) Updated Hot Start strategies for better performance.
  7. (Vivado) Detect and automatically correct routing failures due to node overlaps.

Compute Grid / Infrastructure

  1. Print disk usage at the start of every job.
  2. Update memory usage during job execution.
  3. (Quartus Prime) Preserve utilization, fit and flow reports after compilation.
  4. (Vivado) Preserve timing summary, utilization reports after compilation.

Automation / Batch Mode

  1. Enable the user to enable / disable polling for Private Cloud results.
  2. Added Tcl commands for the following:
    - Set/Clear Design Tags ('project design_tag ...').
    - Automatically sync tagged results ().
    - Adjust strategies in case of resource overfits ('misc overfit ...').
    - Retrieving Job IDs of a recipe that just completed ('flow recipe job_ids').
    - Enable / Disable Private Cloud results polling ('flow set disable_polling <true|false>').
    - Set / Unset user Tcl scripts before/after each Vivado compilation step (misc set hook_script ...)
    - Generate Bottleneck Report ('report bottleneck...').
    - Initialize a recipe ('flow load_recipe ...')
  3. Improved crash detection and show more crash information.
  4. Changed the job resumption Tcl command to 'flow resume <job ID>'
  5. Added a menu option to save Tcl command history (File > Save Commands History...)


  1. Made SSH Agent feature easier to set up via the GUI.
  2. The misc clean_db Tcl command is now executed before any data is imported, prevent duplicates as well as re-organizing the database for quicker access.
  3. Quickly set up your LSF/SGE/PBS compute grid with a single misc set grid <LSF/SGE/PBS> Tcl command, without having to configure the InTime Server.
  4. Speed up timing analysis for Quartus designs.
  5. Re-organized results' display for ease of viewing.
  6. Added options to include IP cache files and detect a common directory when archiving a QPF/XPR project.
  7. Support Libero 2021.1, Quartus Prime 21.*, Vivado 2021.1
  8. Reuse Extra Opt Exploration recipe's parent to save runtime.
  9. Improved error messages when using SSH InTime Agents.
  10. Reduced amount of logging in logfiles.
  11. (Vivado) Use 'CLB LUTs' as the value for 'Area', to be more precise.
  12. Changed user configuration file names from <toolchain>.ini to intime_<abbreviated toolchain>.ini.
  13. Increased detail level for errors in the results' display.


  1. When importing results, ensure that parent nodes are imported first to prevent orphan results that cannot be displayed.
  2. Added duplicate checks in the Import / Export Wizard.
  3. Correctly enable / disable timing models in timing analysis of Quartus projects.
  4. Fixed a bug in extracting power information for the latest Quartus Prime version.
  5. Rectified errors in exporting Route Priority and Extra Opt results to a Tcl script.
  6. Fixed colors when displaying intermediate timing results.
  7. Resolved bug in whitelist ZIP file generation.
  8. Rectified errors in importing results from an external/remote database.

3.1 Release Notes


  1. Support for the following tools:
    - Libero 12.4, 12.5, 12.5sp1, 12.6
    New Libero-specific recipes - Hot Start, Region Exploration and Clock exploration.
    - Quartus Prime Standard 20.1
    - Quartus Prime Pro 20.3 and 20.4
    - Vivado 2020.2.2.
  2. Results extraction can be done without rebuilding or rerunning the results.
  3. New Machine Learning Python libraries.
  4. New Tcl Commands:
    - Configure the directory for temporary job files (custom_jobs_dir).
    - Specify a Settings Filter Template (setting_filters_template).
    - Set up the compute grid mode and user arguments.
    - Set up SSH workers on specific hosts.
    - Show files that are scheduled to be automatically cleaned up.
  5. New Max Delay Exploration recipe for Vivado.


  1. New Hot Start recipe automatically reuses previous strategies if it detects design similarities.
  2. Fanout information for worst paths is now displayed in the Selected Results tab and can be exported to CSV.
  3. Vivado:
    - Logs can be retained for licensed users.
    - New SSI strategies for the SSI Exploration recipe
    - Import synthesis settings for Vivado Tcl projects
    - Add support for Compile with a Guide File
  4. Libero:
    - Removed "USE_FSM_EXPLORER" setting due to a synthesis tool bug
    - Added new "FSM_TYPE" setting.
  5. The InTime database is automatically synced from the internal master database (if it exists)
  6. New decision criteria "clockWNS(<clock name>)" supported for Auto Pilot so that the conditions for moving from one recipe to the next can be based on a specific clock's performance.
  7. Reduce the number of worst paths to extract for Quartus to improve runtime.
  8. Changed the order of prompts for the license details and the toolchain installation path in the toolchain setup page to make it easier to automatically detect the tool version.
  9. Improved Vivado Max Delay logic handling.
  10. Improved the "-tc" argument usability with the InTime Server.


  1. ISE 11.1 support has been deprecated.
  2. ISE: Extraction improvements
    - fixed a bug with extracting multi-line constraints
    - added print statements to show the progress of .twr file parsing
    - fixed a bug with detecting the project file name.
  3. Fixed export to CSV bugs where column headers do not tally with data; and standardize utilization values to percentages instead of absolute values.
  4. The "Remote Parent" Run Target now saves output files in the right folder.
  5. The project files are now extracted to a deeper folder for InTime workers to resolve name conflicts with existing files/folders.
  6. Rectified a Quartus archival issue for older versions so that it uses a common sub-directory instead of project directory
  7. Fixed an issue where InTime Agents were not able to start due to a missing QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable.
  8. Corrected a download issue where result files that were unselecteded got downloaded from the InTime Server.
  9. Removed the "Flatten Hierarchy" synthesis setting from Hot Start due to performance reasons.
  10. Fixed an UNDEFINED die crossing value.
  11. Fixed a "-tc" argument case that did not work for some toolchains.
  12. Rectified an issue where InTime did not stop as expected when an error was reported by Libero.
  13. Added new Python libraries.

3.0 Release Notes


  1. Auto-Pilot recipe enables users to use a template to run multiple recipes with different passing criteria.
  2. Project based database mode will save and organize InTime data under each project instead of under each user.
  3. JUnit-style reports. Export results into a JUnit style report for headless operations.
  4. New "Rerun Best" and "Synthesis only" recipes.
  5. Supports Vivado 2020.1


  1. Adjusted display columns sequence and collapse all data nodes for import/export wizard.
  2. Cleanup backup copies of database files to reduce disk space requirements.
  3. For Tcl project flow, if routing has completed, InTime will analyze the results even if there is an error in the script after that.
  4. Improve the error message prompted to the user when the .ssh folder permission is not correct.
  5. Show hourglass while refreshing project history.
  6. Added memory profiling features.
  7. Worker and agent logs are streamlined to show states clearly.
  8. Agents logs are now retrieved back for every build in private cloud.


  1. Fixed a re-run bug for Extra Opt recipe for DCP projects.
  2. Use blacklisting for SLR assignment to enable inheritance for subsequent recipes.
  3. Fixed bug where the private cloud worker is not able to get result
  4. Project history selection for "Start date"
  5. Fixed toolchain detection bug for Quartus 19.3
  6. Resolved Deep Dive recipe bug where the exported CSV data is malformed.
  7. Fixed issue where dcp file name is not specified properly for private cloud.
  8. Fixed bug where InTime crash after a running a private cloud job.
  9. Fixed bug where concurrent run cannot be changed if the run_target is not changed.
  10. Fixed bug where setting filters did not refresh after the toolchain is changed.
  11. Deprecated support for older Quartus versions.
  12. Fixed elapsed time issue for more than 24 hours
  13. Fixed remote target compilation bug for parent revision

2.0 to 2.7 Release Notes

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2.7.4 Release Notes


  1. Unable to register Quartus 19.3.0 Pro as a toolchain.

2.7.3 Release Notes


  1. Update ISE settings and ISE device family support

2.7.2 Release Notes


  1. Added support for Vivado 2019.2.1 and Vitis
  2. Added support for Quartus Prime 19.4
  3. Display 'Logic Levels' in the failing timing paths section of the Results panel (Vivado projects).
  4. Introduced Automatic Maximum Fanout settings in the Hot Start recipe for Quartus projects where high fanout nets are detected.
  5. Added a built-in 'vivado_tcl' example to show how InTime supports Vivado non-project mode Tcl scripts.


  1. Reduced the number of download popups when retrieving results from Plunify Cloud.
  2. Added OS information in the Help > About dialog.
  3. Enabled environment variables to be passed to InTime Workers in the Private Cloud mode.
  4. Added support for querying the FMax, Worst Hold and Worst Setup results in the 'strategy ..." Tcl command.
  5. Removed the 'Quartus Prime Pro' tab from File > Settings as user configuration is now done in a configuration file called extract_quartuspp.ini instead.
  6. Return more reports and checkpoints to the InTime Client after completing a build in Private Cloud or Plunify Cloud mode.
  7. Enabled an option to include or exclude Minimum Pulse Width slack when calculating the Total Negative Slack for Quartus projects.
  8. Support post-placement termination for Vivado non-project Tcl scripts.
  9. Added a 'control_create_epaf' Flow Property to let the user specify if EPAF (large backup files) need to be generated for every build in Private Cloud mode.
  10. Trimmed text in logs and dialog boxes to make messages more user-friendly.


  1. Resolved a failure caused by unsupported snapshot types in newer versions of Quartus Prime Pro.
  2. Fixed a problem encountered when resuming a job in the Local mode of optimization.
  3. Resolved an issue for the Extra Opt Exploration recipe where the parent checkpoint could not be found.
  4. Rectified issues in the SSI Exploration recipe related to instance selection.

2.7.1 Release Notes

The following new features, improvements, and fixes are available:


  1. Support for Vivado 2019.2.
  2. Support for more Tcl commands in the non-project mode (Vivado).
  3. Added an "Unrouted Nets" column in the Project History.
  4. Added the SSI Exploration recipe to automatically floor-plan multi-die devices.


  1. Added a "Copy" option when you right-click anywhere in the Session Log tab.
  2. Added a "Copy" option in the Manage Logs submenu when you right-click a revision.
  3. Disabled the Test/Add button in the "SSH Parameters:" dialog if no IP address has been entered.
  4. Disabled the Remove button in the "SSH Parameters:" if no IP address has been selected.


  1. Fixed a file extension recognition issue when there are multiple dots or periods in the filename.
  2. Fixed an issue where InTime did not stop even when the Stop if Post-place Timing is Bad property is enabled, and the condition is satisfied.
  3. Fixed an issue where the get_files command was not handled properly.

2.7.0 Release Notes

2.7.0 is a beta available only to selected customers. It will be officially released as version 2.7.1.

2.6.13 Release Notes

The following new features, improvements, and fixes are available:


  1. Increased range of placement explorations via netlist analysis, to get larger timing variations
  2. Enabled custom Vivado hook scripts to be invoked to perform specific initialization steps e.g. setting the maximum number of CPU threads for a project.


  1. Updated "Hot Start" strategies with updated benchmark data based on newer device families.
  2. Added analysis of multi-die timing and utilization reports.


  1. Corrected a concurrent build issue where some distributed processes were not started in parallel.
  2. Corrected a mistake in displaying Job IDs.
  3. Cleaned up display fonts in Linux.

2.6.12 Release Notes

The following new features, improvements, and fixes are available:


  1. Introduced beta support for Vivado non-project mode Tcl scripts.
  2. Added feature to select 'Extra Opt' strategies.
  3. Added support for Quartus Prime Pro 19.1.1, 19.1.2, 19.2.0, 19.2.1, 19.2.2


  1. Save intermediate checkpoints so that optimization can start at any point in a strategy (Vivado only).
  2. Use non-optimized registers and cells for 'Placement Exploration' in order to avoid cases where circuits elements were dynamically optimized away.


  1. Rectified an issue where the Tcl and Private Cloud Console were not displayed in the InTime GUI.
  2. Fixed an issue where icons were missing from the automated  notification email.

2.6.11 Release Notes

The following new features, improvements, and fixes are available:


  1. Added support for Vivado 2019.1
  2. Added feature to save the top 'N' (user-configurable, defaults to 999) checkpoints for a project.


  1. Updated "Hot Start" strategies for Quartus Prime Pro 19.1.0.
  2. Reduced timing summary report file size to minimize impact on diskspace.


  1. Fixed an issue where project-specific toolchain .ini files were out of sync.
  2. Rectified an error that occurs when running Quartus builds in parallel in an InTime Private Cloud environment.

2.6.10 Release Notes

The following new features, improvements, and fixes are available:


  1. Added admin page for setting up license, toolchains.
  2. Added and Plutil.bat tool to check license usage.
  3. Added number of Design Check Point (DCP) files to retain after a job completes.
  4. Added a -wd argument in InTime Server to allow the user to specify the log file directory.


  1. Removed Power as one of the optimization Goals.
  2. Improved the InTime Server installer to allow the user to choose the type of server installation.


  1. Fixed a problem where creating a directory may fail for InTime Server.

2.6.9 Release Notes

The following new features, improvements, and fixes are available:


  1. Ability to automatically retry individual builds when specific errors e.g. licensing failures are detected. Users are able to use regular expressions to define the type of build errors that they want InTime to recognize in order to retry the build.
  2. Denote builds with unrouted nets with a purple icon in the InTime GUI.


  1. Removed result reporting commands to speed up implementation time.
  2. Set the 'Regenerate IP Targets' Flow Property to False by default as most users have already generated output products for IP cores before using InTime. Not regenerating saves time.
  3. Improved readability of user messages output by the Plunify Cloud plugin.
  4. Changed InTime Default strategy names to 'idefault_1', 'idefault_2', ... , 'idefault_<N>' to associate them better with the recipe.
  5. Removed spurious email notification warnings.
  6. Reduced the severity of unrouted nets from an Error to a Warning, in accordance with Vivado behavior.
  7. Made the number of runs in the Vivado Hot Start recipe changeable by the user, in case compute resources are insufficient.


  1. Rectified an issue that caused design runs to be flagged erroneously as out-of-date.
  2. Corrected a bug that did not properly validate IP addresses containing leading 0s.
  3. Fixed an issue with the synthesis retry mechanism.
  4. Increased the range of allowed InTime Server port numbers in the InTime GUI.
  5. Fixed a problem with recognizing Vivado Answer Record patches.

2.6.0 through 2.6.8 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.6.x are required. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements, and fixes are available:


  1. Added Private Cloud support for file clean-up
  2. Import/Export Wizard for transferring learning data between InTime clients
  3. Support for Vivado 2018.2.x
  4. New Incremental Compilation recipe (Vivado only)
  5. Support for Plunify Cloud as an InTime Run Target
  6. The Explorer Recipe in Vivado is replaced with the Hot Start Recipe


  1. Usability enhancements for Plunify Cloud plugins
  2. Extended wait time for worker availability in the InTime Agent to handle slow networks
  3. Improved Extra Opt Recipe with new strategies and finer controls for maximum iterations and termination condition
  4. Results exported from InTime now contains Worst Hold Slack (WHS) information
  5. The Private Cloud .result command shows post-placement Worst Negative Setup Slack (WNS) and Total Negative Slack (TNS)
  6. Disabled "Export Tcl" option while a strategy is running to prevent state corruption
  7. Stop InTime runs if there is a routing problem e.g. unrouted nets
  8. Reduced result extraction time when "Skip Parent Revision" is enabled.
  9. Improve CPU/RAM utilisation reporting by averaging across multiple CPU cores.
  10. Display post-placement timing results in gray in the Run History window.
  11. Updated Hot Start Recipe with latest training data.
  12. Make each Flow Property category collapsible.
  13. QR code for exporting results now contains the MAC address


  1. Fixed usability issues in Plunify Cloud plugins
  2. Fixed an issue with detecting the last-used Vivado version
  3. Fixed a crash that happened because of RSS feeds
  4. Fixed a GUI refresh problem where the Maximum Runtime was not updated in batch mode
  5. Fixed a Deep Dive recipe issue that caused it not to use the best results for analysis
  6. Fixed a GUI bug showing unknown characters
  7. Fixed a parsing bug for monitoring of bsub messages to determine job success/ failure
  8. Fixed a Placement Exploration issue with using a Plunify Cloud parent
  9. Fixed a Placement Exploration bug in replicating cells.
  10. Fixed a problem with Vivado directives and non-directive when using the Settings Filter Locklist.
  11. Show all failing setup and hold paths for all models for Intel designs
  12. Standardize sorting between Settings Filters and selected results.

2.5.x Release Notes

Licenses for 2.5.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Speed up turnaround time by automatically stopping builds based on post-placement timing estimates.
  2. Reduce bandwidth demand and result download time by adding an option to download results without downloading compilation output files e.g. netlists.
  3. Support for Quartus Prime Pro 17.1, Vivado 2017.3 and Vivado 2017.4.
  4. Resume a recipe after a stop or crash.


  1. Automatically adjust input ranges for the Clock Margin Exploration recipe (Vivado).
  2. Dynamically change the maximum run time for Private Cloud jobs.
  3. Added optimization strategies to the Extra Opt recipe (Vivado).
  4. Deep Dive recipe now warns users about insufficient number of results, instead of reporting an error.
  5. Faster communication between the InTime agent and the InTime server.
  6. InTime terminates faster when an invalid parent revision is selected.


  1. Fixed a bug where Vivado processes were not terminated properly.
  2. Remedied an issue where InTime reported an error when the optimization Goal was met.
  3. Fixed a display problem where the InTime splash screen was not always at the top.
  4. Rectified an error in the Re-run Strategies recipe where the wrong strategies were re-run.
  5. Grey out invalid properties according to different Run Targets.
  6. Corrected a bug where the Power column values were blank for Arria 10 designs.
  7. Fixed an issue where user-defined tags for results were wrongly deleted.
  8. Rectified a bug in which the "Just Compile My Design" recipe could not execute on the Private Cloud.

2.4.x Release Notes

Licenses for 2.4.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Added support for Stratix 10 device family in Quartus Prime Pro 17.1 (Early Access)
  2. Added .result command in the Private Cloud Console to display result in a formatted table.
  3. Enable the user to choose a specific clock for the Fmax display.
  4. Support for a "<port number>@<IP>"-type license string in the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to specify the port and location of InTime Server.
  5. Added -tc argument to InTime for quickly specifying the target toolchain.


  1. Better error handling with more informative messages and stack traces.


  1. Rectified an issue with the Clock Margin recipe (for Vivado) which led to invalid strategies after generation and export.
  2. Fixed a bug in InTime Server where a worker was assigned a JobID 0.
  3. Fixed a display bug whereby a textbox turned black in color after applying a verification code.
  4. Corrected Fmax calculation in cases where timing slack is positive (timing has already passed).

2.3.0 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.3.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Support for Quartus Standard 17.0.0 and Quartus Pro 17.0.0.
  2. New clock margin exploration recipe.
  3. Add line number beside session log.


  1. InTime will now stop if Disk quota exceeded is detected.


  1. Fixed an issue where project path with blank space.

2.2.3 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.2.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Fixed an issue regarding JobID was not returned correctly.

2.2.2 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.2.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Fixed an issue regarding GUI freezes sometimes.

2.2.1 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.2.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Enhanced results-syncing speed
  2. Improved Vivado design compilation time by removing extraneous steps.
  3. Improved Vivado placement exploration recipe and supported design without requiring false path.


  1. Fixed an issue regarding improper detection of RAMB36/FIFO elements in Vivado utilization reports.
  2. Fixed an issue where the goal-met check at the beginning of a new round used the wrong result for comparison.
  3. Fixed a case when InTime was not able to handle a corrupted Vivado project.

2.2.0 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.2.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Support for Vivado 2017.1.
  2. Evaluation users can now generate a dynamic code in order to export a result for verification purposes.
  3. Option to right-click on a revision and create the programming file (Vivado-only).
  4. Users can now specify synthesis and implementation run names to be used in the strategy export scripts.


  1. Enhanced results-syncing interface to make it simpler to use.
  2. Significantly reduced the runtime of Extra Opt Exploration (Vivado-only) operations by re-using routed netlists when possible.
  3. Made it easier to solve overfitting issues automatically by adding more settings that are beneficial for resource utilization.
  4. Make license usage reports for the Private Cloud available via a web browser.


  1. Fixed an issue where the PLACEMENT_TYPE setting had more possible values than planned.
  2. Fixed a problem where the Goal Based Target from the parent revision was used for the current revision.

2.1.0 Release Notes


  1. Revamped mechanism for syncing results between multiple users, machines and projects to make it much easier than before.

2.0.1 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.0.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Fixed an issue where the Quartus Automatic Placement recipe stalls on a corner case.

2.0.0 Release Notes

Licenses for 2.0.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Auto Placement in Quartus Prime Pro (see an overview here).
  2. Tcl script to censor relevant sections of InTime logs for ease of feedback.
  3. Enable the user to associate projects together to share learning insights (Quartus only).
  4. Better keyboard support for Linux Operating System.
  5. View license usage report in InTime Server.


  1. Placement Exploration (original blog post) now checks Site Type before assigning a new placement location.
  2. Placement Exploration now generates placements without the need for previous InTime-compiled results.
  3. Output error if a Private Cloud worker is running out of disk space before starting compilation.
  4. Make automatic design overfit adjustments persistent across multiple InTime rounds.
  5. Inherit Auto Placement settings from parent revision(s).
  6. Increased the range of possible adjustments for Placement Exploration.


  1. Fixed an issue where a Vivado parent revision results were not re-used when the design was unchanged.
  2. Fixed an issue where ISE and Vivado results were not displayed correctly when the compilation failed to complete.
  3. Fixed an issue where design compilation fails if the Quartus project has user-defined partitions.
  4. Fixed an issue where a DCP project was unnecessarily re-implemented during Extra Opt Exploration.


1.0 to 1.6 Release Notes

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1.6.0 Release Notes

Licenses for 1.6.x are required for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. The following new features, improvements and fixes are included:


  1. Automatic Placement adjustments for Quartus-II / Quartus Prime Standard Edition designs to improve timing performance.
  2. Automatic Placement exploration for Vivado designs to improve timing performance.
  3. Auto-correction of resource over-fitting for Quartus-II and Quartus Prime designs.
  4. Support for Vivado 2016.4 and Quartus Prime Standard and Pro Edition 16.1.


  1. Imposed a 1-hour timeout on the downloading of files by Private Cloud worker processes, so that if the network becomes bogged down, compilation jobs can still continue.
  2. Speeded up build runtimes via better use of CPU threads.
  3. Separated the license server and job controller components of the InTime Server, in order to reduce the burden on the license machine.
  4. Improved color coding for the results displayed in the InTime client for ease of interpretation.
  5. Made error and warning messages easier to understand in general.
  6. Merged the Vivado Directive Exploration and Non-directive Exploration recipes into the InTime Default recipe for greater ease of use.


  1. Added support for the Exceed X-client in the JP locale.
  2. Worked around a bug in Vivado where paths to .coe (IP Coefficient) files were set incorrectly.
  3. Fixed an issue where generated results in a Vivado project were not copied to the compilation processes.
  4. Corrected issues with compilation of DCP projects in Private Cloud mode where the job was unable to proceed to the subsequent round despite having valid results.

1.5.13 Release Notes

Licenses for 1.5.x will be valid for this version. Please make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. This version includes the following fixes, improvements and new features.


  1. Support for Quartus Prime Pro Edition (16.0 only).
  2. Added "Memory Usage" and "Concurrent Build Overview" options to the Private Cloud Console menu for quicker access to this information.
  3. Worst Slack values in the results panel are now color-coded
    (Green: better than the original result; yellow: worse; white: unchanged).
  4. Long column headings in the results panel are now wrapped to the next line for ease of viewing.
  5. Added the build number to the InTime installer's display, so that it is easier to distinguish between InTime versions.


  1. Improved accuracy of the Deep Dive algorithm in ISE designs, for faster timing closure.


  1. The Vivado Extra Optimization recipe now clears the "strategy prefix" field properly.
  2. Fixed a bug where the sorting by area in the Goal-based plots was not done correctly.
  3. Timing estimates are now displayed in grey in the results panel.

1.5.11 Release Notes

Licenses for 1.5.x will be valid for this version. We encourage you to make a copy of the .plunify folder if you are upgrading from an older version. This version includes the following fixes and features.


  1. Display failing paths in "selected result" tab for Vivado results
  2. Show interim results for "Extra Optimization" recipe even when it times out or error out
  3. Enable auto maximum run time


  1. Learning bug that happened only on Windows OS
  2. InTime does not inherit existing directives from parent revisions correctly
  3. Some errors in ISE  not flagged properly
  4. Stop Recipe does not terminate processe properly
  5. Vivado 2016.x does not compile example project properly as it was generated from older Vivado versions
  6. File conflicts when InTime agents are cleaning up files, causing new runs to fail
  7. Vivado results export bug if root parent has non-default directives
  8. Synthesis Exploration not working when using Vivado 2016.x
  9. Cursor remained as an hourglass after "Stop Recipe"
  10. License information length can cause connection to reset or timeout


  1. Added a feature to intimeserver.jar to use a properties.ini file to set properties.
  2. Improved logging and test scripts for InTime Agent for troubleshooting
  3. Settings filters are cleared when InTime is stopped
  4. Enabled a timeout for some dialog boxes
  5. Do not show Pulse Width for ISE results
  6. Updated QuartusII settings in InTime
  7. Disabling "re-run" results for custom parent revision
