
How to change the worker job directory?

137 views May 23, 2016 May 27, 2021 plunify 0


The worker job directory is used to store temporary files when the compilations are running on the InTime worker machines.


The default directory is found in the <project directory>/ This directory cannot be changed.

Private Cloud

The default directory is /home/<username>/plunify/worker_jobs for Linux and C:\Users\<username>\plunify\worker_jobs for Windows. The size of the directory will increase depending on the scale of the project files. Some IT policies may limit the disk space for the user’s home directory.

More Information:

Option A: Using Private Cloud Console

Before changing the worker job directory to a new directory, here are some tips to get it to work correctly.

  • The recommended minimum disk space for session directory is 10GB.
  • User must have write permission to the new directory.
  • The new directory must have sufficent disk space.
  • Do take note that the recommended disk space is for reference only. The disk space may vary depending on the project and number of agents.

To change the default worker job directory, please follow the steps below.

In the Private Cloud Console, perform the following steps.

user> .admin
admin> .global.set.jobsdir=/tmp/worker_jobs

After 2 heartbeats sent by the worker, perform a .disk command to view the new working directory.
admin> .disk

| 1   | user10_00505622093F |       | user10 | FREE   | YES   | 20       | /tmp/worker_jobs |
Option B: Change via GUI

In this use case, user needs to change it manually. User must perform this step before starting any agent.

In InTime, click File > Settings.

In the Working files location text box, enter the new value.


Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 6001 - Last Review: Jul 09, 2015 - Revision: 1.1