When using InTime v3.2.0 and above in a Linux environment, there is a quick way to test InTime with Vivado in batch mode using the command make.
Example 1 (Test a node license)
[user@SERVER tools]$ cd <InTime installation directory>/scripts/tests [user@SERVER tools]$ make MY_NODE_LIC=~/license.lic CUSTOM_SESSION_PATH=~/mytestnode TOOL_SCRIPT=/opt/Xilinx/2018.3/Vivado/2018.3/ MY_ENV_VARS="LM_LICENSE_FILE=1234@" test-node
Example 2 (Test a floating license with local target)
[user@SERVER tools]$ cd <InTime installation directory>/scripts/tests [user@SERVER tools]$ make MY_INTIMESERVER_IP= CUSTOM_SESSION_PATH=~/mytestfloating TOOL_SCRIPT=/opt/Xilinx/2018.3/Vivado/2018.3/ MY_ENV_VARS="LM_LICENSE_FILE=2101@"
Example 3 (Test a floating license with private cloud target)
[user@SERVER tools]$ cd <InTime installation directory>/scripts/tests [user@SERVER tools]$ make MY_INTIMESERVER_IP= CUSTOM_SESSION_PATH=~/mytestssh TOOL_SCRIPT=/opt/Xilinx/2018.3/Vivado/2018.3/ MY_ENV_VAR="LM_LICENSE_FILE=2101@" MY_TARGET=private_cloud test-private
Applies to:
- Linux Operating System
Knowledge Base ID: 202104301 - Last Review: Apr 30 2021 - Revision: 1.0