InTime Software

How to apply an InTime-exported strategy Tcl script in Quartus

724 views November 8, 2017 November 13, 2017 oonthay 0


Once you have exported a strategy as a Tcl script via Save Strategy to Tcl Script, here is how you can run this script in Quartus to apply the settings onto your design:


  1. Open your project.
  2. Go to View>Utility Windows and enable the Tcl Console.
  3. In the Tcl console panel, source the exported Tcl script.quartus_source_exported_strategy_tcl
  4. tcl> source  <path to script>/<strategy name>.tcl
  5. You should see that a new revision has been created (By default, named after the strategy you exported). Set the new revision as the active revision.
  6. Compile the new revision. Once the run completes, check the results. They should be the same as what was obtained in InTime.


Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

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