
How to disable strange characters / ANSI escape sequences in InTime output?

1388 views August 2, 2022 August 2, 2022 pohheng 0


When using InTime, you encounter strange characters like [[32m, [[34m, [[0m (see below)

*** Plunify InTime v2022.1.2 (Build 1234567, Aug 1 2022 21:57:04)
*** Copyright 2009-2022, Plunify. All Rights Reserved
[32mINFO: [1] * * * * : "plunify_machine_info" Task Started. This may take a while.[0m
[32mINFO: [1] * * * * : "plunify_machine_info" Task Ended. Elapsed Time: 00:00:01.784[0m
[32mINFO: [1] Successfully copied the revision retry strings file.[0m
[32mINFO: [1] Searching for LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable...[0m
[34mWARNING: [1] Unable to find server information. Please configure the server manually.[0m

or similar in the log file or terminal console output.

This is because these are ANSI escape sequences to display separate colors to differentiate INFO, WARNING, ERROR messages.


Starting from v2022.1.2, add an -stdout nocolor argument to remove these ANSI escape sequences when starting InTime in batch or console mode.

[user@host ~]$ cd <InTime installation directory/
[user@host ~]$ ./ -stdout nocolor

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 202208011 - Last Review: Aug 01, 2022 - Revision: 1.0