InTime Software

How to restore a result snapshot in InTime?

211 views September 25, 2018 December 17, 2018 pohheng 0


When a job is ran in InTime's Private Cloud mode, a snapshot of the design and all its working files will be generated upon completion. This snapshot is called an EPAF file, and is essentially a compressed archive. Users can retrieve and extract EPAF archives to further work on the compiled result.


Obtain the relevant EPAF file from your InTime Server administrator. The file itself is <InTime Server directory>/plunify_server/tmp/<Remote Job ID>/<Job ID>_<revision name>.epaf. Copy this file over to your project directory.

Right-click the desired result (see below), select “Restore > Restore <Job ID>_<revision name>” ("72_cal_speed_tns_low_2" in this example). Once InTime restores this EPAF, the contents will be found in the <project directory>/intime_restore/ folder.

If running with an evaluation license, a QR code prompt will pop up. Send the QR code's string to Plunify and get a verification string to continue.

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201809251 - Last Review: Sep 25, 2018 - Revision: 1.0