InTime Server

InTime Server License Usage Syntax Guide

134 views February 15, 2019 February 20, 2019 Michael 0

InTime Server keeps track of license usage for all submitted jobs. This allows one to view the license usage of all users conveniently.

This article describes the syntax of the license usage output generated by the InTime Server.


The License Usage output can be found at <InTime Server working directory>/logs/intime_flexlm_usage.txt.

The License Usage syntax is as follows:


Lets take a look at each field:

  • DATETIME - Unix Timestamp of the license usage. The date and time format is 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'.
  • ID - Unique identifier.
  • USERNAME - Name of the user.
  • MACADDRESS - Mac Address of the machine used
  • PID - PID of the InTime instance. Used to differentiate different instances of InTime running on the same machine.
  • IN|OUT - This field can either be 'IN' or 'OUT'
    • OUT - License has been check out.
    • IN - License has been checked in.
  • INTIME - The name of the software using the license. Currently, it is always INTIME
  • HOSTNAME - Host name of the machine.


Example License Usage Output

2018-12-21 09:25:08 1566 (intimeuser_38D54700573B_9560) OUT: "INTIME" intimeuser@MYSERVER01
2018-12-21 09:25:47 1567 (intimeuser_38D54700573B) OUT: "INTIME" intimeuser@MYSERVER01
2018-12-21 09:26:30 1568 (intimeuser_38D54700573B_8603) OUT: "INTIME" intimeuser@MYSERVER01
2018-12-21 09:31:03 1567 (intimeuser_38D54700573B) IN: "INTIME" intimeuser@MYSERVER01
2018-12-21 09:31:32 1566 (intimeuser_38D54700573B_9560) IN: "INTIME" intimeuser@MYSERVER01
2018-12-21 09:35:16 1568 (intimeuser_38D54700573B_8603) IN: "INTIME" intimeuser@MYSERVER01


  1. 2018-12-21 09:25:08 - License checked out. (ID: 1566, User: intimeuser, Mac Address: 38D54700573B, Host Name: MYSERRVER01)
  2. 2018-12-21 09:25:47 - License checked out. (ID: 1567, User: intimeuser, Mac Address: 38D54700573B, Host Name: MYSERRVER01)
  3. 2018-12-21 09:26:30 - License checked out. (ID: 1568, User: intimeuser, Mac Address: 38D54700573B, Host Name: MYSERRVER01)
  4. 2018-12-21 09:31:03 - License checked in. (ID: 1567)
  5. 2018-12-21 09:31:32 - License checked in. (ID: 1566)
  6. 2018-12-21 09:35:16 - License checked in. (ID: 1568)

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201902132 - Last Review: Feb 13 2019 - Revision: 1.1

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