This is caused by a path issue in Windows where paths to the R directory should not contain spaces.
- Navigate to the R directory. The default R directory is C:\Program Files\Plunify\R. Alternatively you can check for the PL_R_HOME (Shown in the screen shot above) variable in the intime logs.
- Check that the directory contains these files
- Check that the library folder contains these files
- Copy the entire R directory to C:\Plunify_R. Create the directory if needed.
- Type 'System Environment' in Windows search panel. Select 'Edit the system environment variables'.
- In the new window, click the Environment Variables...' button.
- Select the 'PL_R_HOME' variable under 'System Variables' and click the Edit button.
- Edit the variable value to C:\Plunify_R and press OK.
- Restart InTime and the R environment validation should pass.
Applies to:
- Windows Operating System
Knowledge Base ID: 201709281455 - Last Review: Sep 28, 2017 - Revision: 1.0