Error Messages

Why isn’t my keyboard working properly?

1003 views March 8, 2018 June 1, 2018 pohheng 0


The way the X Server component maps the keyboard across different X clients/servers and locales can result in keys being mapped wrongly in the InTime GUI.

Resolution 1 (use supplied keyboard layouts):

Starting from version 2.5.6, InTime ships with sample keyboard layouts in the <InTime installation directory>/misc/sample_layout/ directory. These layouts have been tested with Exceed X Server and Astec X Server.

To use a particular layout, for example, a Japanese keyboard with Exceed X Server, create a symbolic link between the desired layout file and the xfree86 file as shown below. After the symbolic link has been created, start InTime with "-xkb -layout jp".

[user@host]$ cd <InTime installation directory>/misc/sample_layout
[user@host]$ ln -s xfree86.exceed.layout1_keypad xfree86
[user@host]$ cd <InTime installation directory>
[user@host]$ ./ -xkb -layout jp

If you have a US keyboard, omit the "-layout ..." argument.

Resolution 2 (use the supplied xkeyboard utility):

If Resolution 1 above works, no further step is required. But if not (perhaps due to another locale or X Server), InTime ships a keyboard utility that helps you create a custom keyboard layout for your environment.

To use the keyboard utility,

1. First, ask your system administrator to remove the existing xfree86 symbolic link from the <InTime installation directory>/misc/sample_layout/ directory.

2. Next, pick the keyboard layout that most resembles yours from the 4 listed below.

Layout 1 (Typical Japanese keyboard)


Layout 2 (US keyboard variant)


Layout 3 (US keyboard variant)


Layout 4 (Most common US keyboard)


3. Run the keyboard configuration utility using to map the keys correctly.

(The following example is for a Japanese keyboard)


Go to the directory where InTime is installed and run the command

 ./ -keyboard_config

The screen below should pop up:-


A message pops up stating that an xfree86 file will be created.

Click "Next Page" to continue.

A virtual keyboard appears for you to choose the keyboard layout from. The default(first) configuration allows you to choose a Japanese keyboard. Click "Confirm" (highlighted in orange) to choose the layout.


Next, the virtual keyboard appears with 2 configurations to choose from. The default configuration allows you to configure a 60-key (no cursor keys, no numeric keypad, etc.) keyboard.


The button beside the "Confirm" button shows the configuration to switch to. Click "Switch to 106 Keys" to switch to the other configuration: a 106-key configuration (full keyboard as shown below).

After confirming the configuration that you want, please click on the "Confirm" button.


Next, you will be prompted to press keys in a particular sequence. Each time, the key to be pressed will be highlighted in red (see below).


If you press any key wrongly, unfortunately the only solution is to hit <Esc> to exit the application and then start the keyboard configuration utility again.

The numeric keypad on the 106-key keyboard requires 2 rounds of mapping for the numeric 0-9 keys.

a. In the 1st iteration, disable Numlock before pressing 0 to 9.
b. In the 2nd round, enable Numlock when you are prompted to do so, then proceed to press the keys from 0 to 9.

After you have configured the keyboard, a file called xfree86 is created in the user's home directory (shown in the dialog below).


4. Finally, run the following command to start InTime with the new keyboard configuration:-

./ -xkb -layout jp

That's it! InTime will now work correctly with the Japanese keyboard layout.

Note: If there is a file called xfree86 in the user's home directory, that file takes precedence over <InTime installation directory>/misc/sample_layout/xfree86.

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201803071 - Last Review: Apr 02, 2018 - Revision: 1.0

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