Error Messages

What happens if LSF errors appear?

121 views May 25, 2016 September 1, 2021 plunify 0


This may be due to several reasons, for example, if the wrong LSF queue name is entered into the ${USER_ARGS} variable in the InTime GUI.


Resolution #1:

In the InTime GUI, go to File > Settings > Run Targets.


In this case, the user specified a non-existent LSF queue name, change the queue name to correct name.

Resolution #2:

In the InTime GUI, go to File > Settings > Run Targets.

In this case, the user specified arguments using single quote. Change to use double quote. InTime is using double quote for parsing.


Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 4007 - Last Review: Sep 1, 2021 - Revision: 1.1