
The latest news from the Plunify team

Design Automation Conference 2017 in Austin, TX came and went before one could say, “Congress Bridge Bats!” A big Thank You to everyone who came by. It was very good getting to know you and hear about your design challenges and requirements — FPGA as well as ASIC ones. Devices and designs are both getting […]

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In this blog post we will compare the performance of Vivado 2016.4 and Vivado 2017.1 using InTime. In summary, 3 experiments were conducted to test the performance of Vivado 2016.4 against Vivado 2017.1. Overall, Vivado 2017.1 achieves better results than Vivado 2016.4. Although the results are somewhat similar in experiment 1, the best TNS and […]

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InTimeはFPGAデザインの最適化ツールとして、あなたのまたはチームにとってどのくらい手助けをしているでしょうか? InTime Private Cloudを使用する上で、あなたはチームが時間通りにパフォーマンス目標を達成するために十分なライセンスを保持しているかどうかを確認したいですか? これらの問いは、管理者やマネージメント担当者には重要な尺度となります。Plunifyは新しいレポート機能を持つInTime versions 2.xをリリースしました。新しいInTime Serverを起動して 試してみましょう! Brief Steps InTime Serverインストールディレクトリに移動して、マネージメントインターフェイスを入力するために を実行してください。 管理者モードに切り替えるために .admin を入力してください。 次にコマンド .report.detail 入力してレポートが必要な期間を指定するために開始と終了日(YYYY-MM-DD)を指示に従い入力してください。 生成されたPDFレポートファイルを開くためにWebブラウザを使用します。 ステップは下のスクリーンショットに表示: レポートを確認のために出力されたリンクをコピーしてブラウザにペーストしてください。Summary Report は単純明快です。 現在、.report.detail または .report.summary によって詳細な使用率とサマリレポートを確認することができます。サマリレポートはユーザの合計の使用時間とMaximum Concurrent Runsのみを示します。(この数が保持しているライセンスに近いと効果的にInTime Private Cloudを使用!) ライセンスを更に必要としますか?必要の場合はPlunifyに連絡をください。 PlunifyのInTime FPGA optimizationまたはこの記事のdetailed usage and summary reporting features を試してみませんか? (日本語可能)までリクエストを送付ください。

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Introduction One of our most common customer requests is for a smaller number of compilation runs to get to timing closure. For example, can InTime meet timing in 50 runs instead of 100 on average? Well, that depends; InTime generally has an idea of what settings will help your design meet timing, and in rare cases […]

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For those who know our history, Plunify was born in the cloud. Our very first prototype of InTime was developed, executed and tested on Amazon Web Services. During those days, we only had to contend with EC2, EBS and S3. We even had to implement AES encryption in S3 ourselves (nowadays it is a checkbox!). […]

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If you are reading this, the odds are that you or someone in your company is facing / has faced FPGA design challenges. Timing closure is the single most important obstacle to implementing a successful FPGA application. Bruce Talley, former VP of Software at Xilinx and Plunify technical advisor, is one of the most qualified […]

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We are excited to announce the release of a new feature – Central Database (CD), in InTime. In previous versions of InTime, the visibility of compilation and analysis results is limited to individual users.  With CD, it gathers design data more efficiently across multiple users and different projects within your organization and enables sharing across different workstations and users. Below is […]

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Hi! We are happy to announce that InTime now supports the inheritance of Auto Placement assignments. This means that LogicLock or LogicLock Plus assignments created via the Auto Placement recipe will be passed onto its child revisions. For example, Tommy ran his design in InTime for three rounds. 1st round  : InTime Default 2nd round: Auto Placement 3rd […]

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Based on feedback, we understand that it is sometimes not easy for users to send us InTime log files when they encounter an issue. This is because the log files may contain what is seen as confidential information. In order to set our customers at ease, we have included a Tcl script to replace sensitive […]

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The Auto Placement recipe in InTime now supports Quartus Prime Pro Edition (in addition to Quartus-II and Quartus Prime Std Edition). Recall from Automatic placement adjustments in Quartus that the Auto Placement recipe analyses the locations of failing timing paths, and re-locates them based on what the tool learns about the design’s characteristics, without changing any source […]

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