InTime Software

How to change the InTime logs’ directory?

64 views May 23, 2016 May 27, 2016 plunify 0


InTime saves log files in the default log directory (Linux default:/home/<username>/.plunify/<username>_<MAC>/log; Windows default: C:\Users\<username>\.plunify\<username>_<MAC>\log). The size of the log files will increase over time, so it is advisible to perform housekeeping regularly. Some IT policies may impose low space limits on the user’s home directory. In those cases, the user can either set a symbolic link to the .plunify directory or add a “custom_logs_path” argument to the command as shown below.

More Information:

Before changing the logs directory to a new directory, here are some requirements.

  • User must have write permission to the new directory.
  • The new directory cannot be shared by another user.
  • The new directory must have sufficent disk space.
  • Do take note that the recommended disk space is just a suggested value. The actual amount may vary depending on the project and number of InTime Agents.

In Linux Operating System, execute the following command in a commandline console.

$ ./ -custom_logs_path /mnt/project/intime/log

In Windows Operating System, execute the command in a Command Prompt.


Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 6002 - Last Review: Jun 11, 2015 - Revision: 1.1