InTime Server

How to install License Server and InTime Server using a common disk volume?

516 views February 15, 2019 Michael 0


The License Server is a service to allow InTime to use floating licenses. The InTime Server is a service that schedules jobs, and manages files and other operations. These two services are by default built into the script. In some environments, the IT administrator needs to run the License Server in Server A and the InTime Server in Server B. The License Server generally uses very little CPU and memory resources whereas the InTime Server requires more storage space for data files uploaded by each InTime client/worker.

Update 31st Jan 2019

As of v2.6.10, users are able to choose the type of InTime Server installation. Windows users are also able to select an InTime Server installation directory. The types of installation are listed below. See the screenshots for the different installation types on Windows and Linux

  1. Full installation - Both InTime Server and License Server will be installed.
  2. License Server Only - Only License Server will be installed.
  3. InTime Server Only - Only InTime Server will be installed.

Windows installation wizard will display the different installation options available. Check the appropriate checkbox and click next to continue.


For a Linux installation, the installation options will be presented on the command line. Selected the appropriate option and press enter to continue.

Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Plunify InTime Server version 2.6.10 (Build 3e011a2)....
Installation selection ('1' Full installation of InTime Server/License Server, '2' for License Server only, '3' for InTime Server only) [1]

For quiet installation in Linux, use environment variable DEFAULT_INSTALL=X where X is either 1, 2 or 3.


In this example, Server C (IP: is a NFS server which has full installation of InTime Server installed using DEFAULT_INSTALL=1. The volume /opt/eda/plunify/intimeserver has been shared out as NFS with Read-Only permission. Server B runs the License Server (IP: and Server A is the InTime Server (IP: The InTime Client has access to InTime Server but not the License Server. It is also possible to have the License Server running in Linux and the InTime Server running in Windows.

Update 31st Jan 2019

As of v2.6.10, the directory of log files can be configured for both InTime Server and License Server. Use the -wd <directory location> option when starting either InTime Server or the License Server to set the working directory. Working directory is a directory to keep log files and some application specific files.

In Server C, launch a terminal console and go to /opt/eda/plunify/intimeserver directory and perform a quiet installation.

[admin@ intimeserver]$ cd /opt/eda/plunify/intimeserver
[admin@ intimeserver]$ DEFAULT_INSTALL=1 sh 
Verifying archive integrity... All good. 
Uncompressing Plunify InTime Server version 2.6.10 (Build 3e011a2).... 
Installing InTime Server/License Server
Install support for SQLite 
InTime Server/License Server installation OK.

In Server B, it is a low end server that is going to host the license file serves as a floating license server. Launch a terminal console. Make sure the server.lic is already in /home/edaadmin/licenseserver.

[admin@ licenseserver]$ /opt/eda/plunify/intimeserver/ -wd /home/edaadmin/licenseserver/

Starting License Server       [ OK ]
License server.lic            [ OK ]
License has started?          [ OK ]
License not expired?          [ OK ]
License Mac 00:0D:3A:40:75:1D [ OK ]
License features              [ OK ]

In Server A, it is a normal server that is going to run InTime Server service that allow job scheduling and project file upload. Launch a terminal console.

[admin@ intimeserver]$ /opt/eda/plunify/intimeserver/ -licenseip -licenseport 39940 -nolicense -wd /home/edaadmin/intimeserver/

$---- START OF LOG FILE 2.6.10-5834a4e ----
UTC DATE/TIME: 2019-01-12 02:06:08.120

$---- START OF LOG FILE 2.6.10-5834a4e ----
UTC DATE/TIME: 2019-01-12 02:06:08.120
JDBC (plunify.db)             [  OK  ]
JDBC (intimeruns.h2.db)       [  OK  ]
Starting InTime Server        [  OK  ]
Starting License Server       [FAILED]
Starting ACL Server           [  OK  ]
License server.lic            [FAILED]
License has started?          [  OK  ]
License not expired?          [  OK  ]
License Mac 00:0D:3A:40:75:1D [  OK  ]
License features              [  OK  ]

In the InTime Client, under File->Settings, key in the IP address of the InTime Server, click on Test and Configure button to test the communications (includes licensing) flow.

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201902121 - Last Review: Feb 12 2019 - Revision: 1.1

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