InTime Server

How to assign jobs to InTime Agents at a given interval?

186 views May 4, 2020 May 4, 2020 pohheng 0


When many InTime agents are running, InTime Server assigns all available jobs to all the agents at the same time.

This may cause network congestion when all the agents attempt to download the project source files simultaneously.


By default, InTime Server does not impose a time interval between allocating jobs to InTime agents. The example below shows how to start InTime Server with a -interval argument to make it use a fixed interval of 5 minutes (300 seconds). You may want to adjust the length of this interval depending on your network conditions, project file size or number of agents.

[user@host intimeserver]$ ./ -interval 300

Assuming that there are 3 Agents running, at 10:00AM, the InTime Server starts assigning Job 1 (consists of multiple builds) to the Agents.

10:00AM: Agent #1 is assigned Job 1, build X.
10:02AM: Agent #1 starts downloading the project source files.

10:05AM: Agent #2 is assigned Job 1, build Y.
10:07AM: Agent #2 starts downloading the project source files.

10:10AM: Agent# 3 is assigned Job 1, build Z.
10:12AM: Agent #3 starts downloading the project source files.

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 202004172 - Last Review: Apr 17, 2020 - Revision: 1.0

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