InTime Server

How to run the InTime Server and the License Server in 2 different servers using custom ports?

365 views May 19, 2017 May 19, 2017 pohheng 0


The License Server is a service to allow InTime to use floating licenses. The InTime Server is a service that schedules jobs, and manages files and other operations. These two services are by default built into the script. In some environments, the IT administrator needs to run the License Server in Server A and the InTime Server in Server B. The License Server generally uses very little CPU and memory resources whereas the InTime Server requires more storage space for data files uploaded by each InTime client/worker.

In this example, Server B runs the License Server (IP: and Server A is the InTime Server (IP: The InTime Client has access to InTime Server but not the License Server. It is also possible to have the License Server running in Linux and the InTime Server running in Windows.

License-InTime Server (4)

In Server B, launch a terminal console and go to the InTime Server installation directory.

[admin@host intimeserver]$ ./ -licenseport 24680

SERVERIP 1        =

Starting License Server       [  OK  ]
License server.lic            [  OK  ]
License has started?          [  OK  ]
License not expired?          [  OK  ]
License Mac 00:0D:3A:40:75:1D [  OK  ]
License features              [  OK  ]

[admin@host intimeserver]$

In Server A, launch a terminal console and go to the InTime Server installation directory. Run the following command to inform the InTime Server there is no license file built-in, but to fetch it from License Server.

$ ./ -licenseip -licenseport 24680 -comport 12345 -fileport 12346 -adminport 12347 -nolicense

$---- START OF LOG FILE 2.1.0-eed7915 ----
UTC DATE/TIME: 2017-05-19 01:03:03.900

$---- START OF LOG FILE 2.1.0-eed7915 ----
UTC DATE/TIME: 2017-05-19 01:03:03.900
Write permission (plunify.db) [ OK ]
JDBC (plunify.db)             [ OK ]
JDBC (intimeruns.h2.db)       [ OK ]
Starting InTime Server        [ OK ]
Starting License Server       [FAILED]
License server.lic            [FAILED]
License has started?          [ OK ]
License not expired?          [ OK ]
License Mac 00:0D:3A:40:75:1D [ OK ]
License features              [ OK ]

In the InTime Client, under File->Settings, key in the IP address of the InTime Server, click on Test and Configure button to test the communications (includes licensing) flow.

intime_client (1)

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201705191 - Last Review: May 19 2017 - Revision: 1.2

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