InTime Agents

How to launch InTime Agents in a server farm with different CPU speeds?

141 views May 23, 2016 May 27, 2016 plunify 0


(This article applies if you are not using LSF or SGE in a Private Cloud configuration.) In a server farm, the CPU on each server may differ in terms of number of cores, speed and capabilities. Setting the concurrent job limit to a fixed value for all servers may not be the most efficient for load balancing purposes.

More Information:

It may be helpful to start more or fewer InTime Agents in servers with different CPU and memory specifications. To do that, execute the following commands in the Private Cloud Console. It will take two heartbeats (at most four minutes) to propagate the new Maximum Concurrent Run value to the InTime Agents (and only if the Agent’s status is FREE at that time).

user> .admin
admin> .global.set.maxrun=1

Proceed to set maximum concurrent run? ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [y]

admin.confirm> y

admin> .global.setting

| SETTING                  | VALUE                                      |
| File transfer port       | 39941                                      |
| Admin console port       | 39942                                      |
| File transfer method     | SFTP                                       |
| Server working directory | /home/intime/intimeserver/./plunify_server |
| Working Directory        | $USER_HOME/plunify/worker_jobs             |
| Concurrent job limit     | 1                                          |
| Log verbosity            | normal                                     |
| Timestamp                | 2015-06-03T06:06:15                        |

In a high-end server, open a commandline console and go to the InTime installation directory. The example below shows eight InTime Agents being launched on a server. The argument to note is -no_agent_limit.

[user@super_server intime]$ ls
agent  CHANGELOG  fpgaaccel  jre1.6.0_45  misc  R       scripts     VERSION
bin    docs  jre        license.txt  perl  README  translations
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@super_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &

This is actually similar to starting one InTime Agent with a Concurrent Job Limit of 8. However, the above method is preferred because as soon as one Agent completes a strategy, it will immediately proceed to the next strategy.

Next, log on to a server with lower specifications. Open a commandline console and go to the InTime installation directory. The example below shows two InTime Agents being launched on a server.

[user@lowend_server intime]$ ls
agent  CHANGELOG  fpgaaccel  jre1.6.0_45  misc  R       scripts     VERSION
bin    docs  jre        license.txt  perl  README  translations
CHANGELOG  fpgaaccel  license.txt  R  VERSION
[user@lowend_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &
[user@lowend_server intime]$ ./ -mode background -platform minimal -no_agent_limit &

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 6017 - Last Review: June 23, 2015 - Revision: 1.0