Here are the steps to roll back a software patch to the point before the patch was applied.
More Information:
The rollback file format for InTime is in rollback_intime_v<version>_<release number>_64bit_<platform>.zip
<version> The version which the patch is for. Example 1.3.2 <release number> The patch number. Example 042737 <platform> linux or win for Linux or Windows respectively.
In Linux, go to the directory where InTime is installed. Make sure the rollback file is executed using the same user as the one who installed InTime.
$ cd <intime installation directory> $ misc/7za/7za x <rollback file> -o. -y
In Windows, go to the directory where InTime is installed.
Applies to:
- Linux Operating System
- Windows Operating System
Knowledge Base ID: 6006 - Last Review: May 21, 2014 - Revision: 1.0