InTime Software

How to Specify Design Run / Revision Names when Exporting Strategies

77 views May 10, 2017 May 10, 2017 harnhua 0


By default, InTime uses the generated strategy names like calibrate_5 when exporting strategies to new FPGA project design revisions / runs. If you would like to specify your own names, here is how to do so.


Via the GUI

  1. Set the flow properties as shown below:

User-specified revision names

Via Tcl commands

  1. At the InTime Tcl Console (or in a Tcl script),
  2. plunify> flow set strategy_export_synth_name synth_1
    plunify> flow set strategy_export_impl_name impl_1

    In InTime, export the strategy and the specified names will be applied to the resulting script.

Applies to:

  • Vivado projects
  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

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