InTime Software

How to upgrade InTime to support a central database?

556 views April 13, 2017 October 8, 2019 pohheng 0


Staring from version 2.2, InTime introduces a powerful new feature to support a central database where multiple users can share results of a single project. The prerequisite to this central database is the InTime Server.

central database (superdb)


The following guide shows how to perform an upgrade to InTime 2.2.


Download installers for InTime Server and InTime that supports Central database. Please note that you should first upgrade InTime Server, then followed by InTime.

Step 1: Upgrade InTime Server:

  • Install InTime Server as usual -- you can install to a new directory or overwrite the existing installation.
    When starting InTime Server, a new database intimeruns.h2.db will be created for the first time. Make sure the status is OK.
  • If you are planning to install InTime Server to another separate directory, Make sure enter the previous version of InTime Server directory. (see highlight Orange Bold Italic text (For Linux only))
[user@hostname intimeserver]$ ./
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Plunify InTime Server version 2.2.0 (Build 8383001).........................
Install for which database? ('1' for SQLite or '2' for MySQL) [1] 
Install support for SQLite
Do you want to clean up(remove) the installer ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [n] 
Use jvm options default(1), minimal(2), optimal(3) (Blank is default) 

If you plan to migrate configuration and database from an earlier version of InTime Server 
installed in another directory, key in the directory to migrate. If you are installing over 
the existing directory or this is the first time you install InTime Server, press enter to 
skip [enter]:

Intime Server installed OK. 

[user@hostname intimeserver]$ ./
Write permission (plunify.db) [ OK ]
JDBC (plunify.db)             [ OK ]
JDBC (intimeruns.h2.db)       [ OK ]
Starting InTime Server        [ OK ]
Starting License Server       [ OK ]
License server.lic            [ OK ]
License has started?          [ OK ]
License not expired?          [ OK ]
License Mac 09:12:34:56:78:90 [ OK ]
License features              [ OK ]

Step 2: Upgrade InTime:

  • Install InTime and run it as usual. The migration process will start automatically. If your existing databases are large, it may take a while. Please do not terminate or kill InTime during this process.


  • After the database (intimeruns.db) has been upgraded, go to the .plunify/ folder in the user's home directory to look for a plunify.ini configuration file.
    The original database would have been backed up as where xxx is a UNIX timestamp. In the configuration file, a new path_migrated variable (see below) will appear to indicate that InTime has successfully migrated.
  • After migration, it will no longer be possible to use older versions of InTime.



Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201704031 - Last Review: May 23, 2017 - Revision: 1.2

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