InTime Agents

Why are there no agents in Private Cloud Console after executing the .status command?

90 views February 2, 2017 February 27, 2017 Michael 0


    1. Check if any InTime Agent is running using the command below:
      $ ps -ef|grep intime_agent

      Start the agent if it is not running. You may need to wait 1-2 minutes for the InTime Agent to register itself with the InTime Server.

    2. Is the InTime Agent pointing to the right IP address (InTime Server's)?
      Please refer to the user guide to configure InTime to point correctly to the InTime server.
    3. Try using the telnet command to connect to the InTime Agent machine:
      $ telnet <InTime Agent machine's IP address> 39940

      If you are unable to connect, most probably firewall settings (such as iptables in Linux) are blocking the connection. Contact your IT person to verify.

    4. The InTime Agent process could have hanged, so kill the process using the following command:
      $ killall -9 intime
      $ killall -9 intime_agent

      Start agents again.

Applies to:
      • Windows Operating System
      • Linux Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201702021739 - Last Review: Feb 02, 2017 - Revision: 1.0

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