InTime Agents

Why is an InTime Agent not picking up jobs?

139 views February 2, 2017 September 15, 2020 Michael 0

Cause 1:

The agent could be blacklisted or marked for termination. If this is so, it will not pick up any new job.
In the Private Cloud Console, run the .status command to check:

user> .status
| 1   | selftest_000C298F05BC |       | intimeuser | FREE   | YES   | NO     | NIL    | 19:23 (00m:10s) |

Cause 2 :

The agent might not have the correct toolchain configured. In the Private Cloud Console, run the .toolchain command to see a list of configured toolchains for each agent:

user> .toolchain
| NO. | CLIENTID              | JOBID | USERID     | STATUS | ALIVE | COUNT | VENDOR | TOOL      | VERSION   |
| 1   | selftest_000C298F05BC |       | intimeuser | FREE   | YES   | 2     | ALTERA | QUARTUSII | 12.0.0    |
|     |                       |       |            |        |       |       | XILINX | ISE       | 14.3      |

Cause 3 :

The MATCHUSER_FLAG is set to "off". When MATCHUSER_FLAG is on, jobs will be assigned to the agents started by the same user who submitted the job.
In the Private Cloud Console, run the command to check.

Refer to this link for more details.

Applies to:
  • Windows Operating System
  • Linux Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 201702021749 Last Review: Feb 02, 2017 - Revision: 1.0

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