InTime Agents

Why is an InTime Agent picking up jobs submitted by another user?

133 views September 15, 2020 September 15, 2020 pohheng 0


The MATCHUSER_FLAG is set to "off". When MATCHUSER_FLAG is off, jobs will be assigned to any agents regardless of the user who submitted the job.
In the Private Cloud Console, run the command to check.

| NO. | READ/WRITE | KEY                     | VALUE                              |
| 15  | R/W        | MATCHUSER_FLAG          | NO                                 |

1. The property value is set to NO.


2. Set the property value to YES.

Refer to this link for more details.

The above settings will not be saved and it will be reset when InTime Server is restarted. The admin are advised to use the following steps below to save the settings.

[intime@server intimeserver]$ vi plunify.args
-remoteadmin admin
-matchuser yes
[intime@server intimeserver]$ ./

Restart InTime Server. Now “-matchuser” will be set to “yes” whenever InTime Server is run.

Applies to:
  • Windows Operating System
  • Linux Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 202009151 Last Review: Sep 09, 2020 - Revision: 1.0

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