
The latest news from the Plunify team

We had the good fortune of having an office before we registered Plunify–thanks to one of the founders who was already running his own setup. So the rest of the folks just pulled up extra chairs to his existing table and hit the ground running. The building: a remodeled pre-war (the 2nd) police barracks with […]

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Last week we had an initial meeting with a customer–details are hush-hush at this point of course but suffice to say they have impressive educational/research facilities. They kindly bought us lunch in an opulent banquet room although I have to say that both of us were too busy listening and making sure that pieces of […]

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Previously we went through the necessary step of making Plunify a legal business entity–a process which was fortunately relatively painless. In Singapore, it seems fairly straightforward to get one’s business registered, at least compared to Tokyo and the San Francisco Bay Area. The fees are comparatively lower as well. First, one surfs over to the […]

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The past month was a very satisfying one in term of workflow. Finally we’ve managed to devote more time in terms of full days (and nights) to Plunify. Finally many other commitments have been fulfilled, freeing up precious time. This post is a bit fuzzy in that I just wanted to summarize a few things […]

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Much of what we’re occupied with recently can be summarized by a few ‘F’ words, although not the ones that one might imagine 😉 This phase of Plunify’s progress might be termed the “sweat-and-blood” phase or simply, Product Development. By the way, serendipitously, another ‘F’–a Facebook widget was installed on our landing page in […]

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One of the first things many programmable logic developers do at the start of a project is to find a reference design–something containing most of what the final product would have, and more importantly, something that is proven to work. This is akin to the modular design concept of not reinventing the wheel and building […]

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Finding money to fund one’s endeavor–a topic close to entrepreneurs’ hearts and blogged about almost incessantly. This is our experience, and please tell us about yours. Fortunately, we have enough savings to bootstrap; which is not to say that we don’t need extra investment, or that we didn’t have to slash features to arrive at […]

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始於足下。千里の道も一歩より。 And so we set out to make Plunify a real product that can hopefully make a difference in the world of Programmable Logic Design. Plunify’s origins can’t quite be traced back precisely to those chats that Kirvy and I had in the onsen in […]

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