The log directory is used for storing log files. The default directory is /home/<username>/.plunify/<username>_<mac>/log for Linux. In a Windows environment it is C:\Users\<username>\.plunify\<username>_<mac>\log. The size of the directory will increase overtime and it is advisible to perform housekeeping regularly. Some I.T policies may limit disk restriction on user’s home directory.
More Information:
Before changing the logs directory to a new directory, here are some tips to get it to work correctly.
- The recommended minimum disk space for session directory is 10GB.
- User must have write permission to the new directory.
- The new directory must have sufficent disk space.
- Do take note that the recommended disk space is for reference only. The disk space may vary depending on the project and number of agents.
In Private Cloud console, execute the command.
Open the server admin console (Step 2.2. Launch Admin Console) and use
command. The example below shows how to add the example bsub
user> .admin admin> .global.del.client_action=1 Proceed to delete selected client? ('n' for No or 'y' for Yes) [n] admin.confirm> y admin> .global.set.client_action Enter action type, use .end to exit session. Types: ('1' for for Job Initialization) [1] admin.type> 1 Enter Operating System, use .end to exit session. Operating System: ('1' for Linux, '2' for Windows) [1] admin.os> 1 Enter script to execute, use .end to exit session. admin.exec> bsub (Optional) Enter script arguments, use .end to exit session. admin.args> ${USER_ARGS} ${INTIME_HOME}/ -custom_logs_path /mnt/intime/log -mode background -platform minimal -ip ${INTIME_SERVER} -comport ${INTIME_PORT} -remote_job ${REMOTE_JOB_ID} -max_runs ${AGENT_MAX_RUNS} -no_agent_limit Enter trigger base on the type, use .end to exit session. Triggers: ('1' for Single, '2' for Revision, '3' for Concurrent Runs) [3] admin.trigger> 3 (Optional) Enter working directory, use .end to exit session.> Enter option to abort job if fail, use .end to exit session. Abort job if fail: ('1' for yes, '2' for no) [1] admin.option> 1 Enter a number where script will be executed, 0 first to be executed, use .end to exit session. [4] admin.order> 0 Action Type : init Operating System : linux Execute : bsub Arguments : ${USER_ARGS} ${INTIME_HOME}/ -custom_logs_path /mnt/intime/log -mode background -platform minimal -ip ${INTIME_SERVER} -comport ${INTIME_PORT} -remote_job ${REMOTE_JOB_ID} -max_runs ${AGENT_MAX_RUNS} -no_agent_limit Trigger type : con_runs Working Directory : Abort job if fail : 1 Order : 0 Save to session? ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [y] admin.confirm> y Add more client settings? ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [y] admin.confirm> n admin>
Applies to:
- Linux Operating System
- Windows Operating System
Knowledge Base ID: 6015 - Last Review: Jun 11, 2015 - Revision: 1.0