InTime Server

How to increase file open limit in Linux?

152 views June 9, 2016 October 17, 2019 pohheng 0


There is a message "Too many open files" displayed in Linux.


Run the following command in Linux terminal.

[user@host jre]$ ulimit -n

1024 is a default value, this value needs to be increased. Using root access, edit the file /etc/security/limits.conf. Add in the following before #End of file.

* hard nofile 65535
* soft nofile 65535
#End of file

Save the file. Close all terminal and InTime/InTime Agent launched. Open a new Terminal to verify the ulimit has been increased.

Note: For CentOS/RHEL Operating System, edit /etc/pam.d/login file and add/modify the following line.

session required open

Save the file. Close all terminal and InTime/InTime Agent launched. Open a new Terminal to verify the ulimit has been increased.

[user@host jre]$ ulimit -n
Applies to:
  • Linux Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 14000 - Last Review: Jun 09, 2016 - Revision: 1.0

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