InTime Server

How to setup new global toolchain?

258 views May 23, 2016 May 27, 2016 plunify 0


In a Private Cloud setup, global toolchains (multiple FPGA tools) can be set up via the InTime Server. Once InTime Agents start up, each Agent will pick up the toolchain information from the InTime Server. If an Agent is running before the global toolchain is configured, it will take 2 heartbeats (maximum duration of 4 minutes) to get the toolchain information propagated to the Agent, provided that the Agent’s status is FREE.

More Information:

In the Private Cloud Console, run the following commands.

user> .admin
admin> .global.set.toolchain

Enter Operating System for tool, use .end to exit session.
Operating System: ('1' for Linux, '2' for Windows) [1]

admin.os> 1

Enter tool, use .end to exit session.
Tools: ('1' for QuartusII, '2' for ISE, '3' for Vivado)

admin.tool> 1

Enter installation path, use .end to exit session.
For example, /opt/Quartus/13.0.0/quartus

admin.path> /opt/Quartus/13.0.0/quartus

Enter license path, use .end to exit session.
For example, /opt/file.dat for node-locked license,
port@hostname for floating license(LM_LICENSE_FILE)

admin.license> 2200@

Operating System  : Linux
Tool              : QuartusII
Installation path : /opt/Quartus/13.0.0/quartus
License           : 2500@

Save to session? ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [y]

admin.confirm> y

Add more toolchain? ('y' for Yes or 'n' for No) [y]

admin.confirm> n
admin> .global.toolchain

| NO. | OS    | VENDOR | TOOL      | PATH                        | LICENSE       |
| 1   | LINUX | Altera | QuartusII | /opt/Quartus/13.0.0/quartus | 2500@ |

1 row (0.01 sec), 2014-10-03 08:51:57

Applies to:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: 6008 - Last Review: May 21, 2014 - Revision: 1.0