
The latest news from the Plunify team

Solving timing problems via software tools has always been the exclusive domain of the FPGA vendors. As designers, we are conditioned to run timing analysis, examine timing reports and then close timing by changing RTL and constraints. Occasionally, (favorite tip received so far), I’m told to update the FPGA software to the newest version or […]

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We leapfrogged 1.1.6 because we got a ton of requests. So here is InTime version 1.1.7.  What are the top 3 features worth checking out? Here’s my list.For a detailed list of changes, please see the release notes. #1 – “The Good, The Bad and the Necessary” — More control over synthesis and place-&-route We get […]

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InTime v1.1.5 was officially released on Thursday, the 8th of May. This release focused mainly of making it easier for new users to get started, and polishing up existing features. This release also contains numerous bug fixes which were reported, most significantly issues experienced by some users where specific designs failed to run property on […]

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Plunify collaborated with CSIP and Huada Empyrean to provide a private cloud platform for an inter-university IC design competition in China. Implemented earlier this year, the solution consists of our EDAxtend platform, but instead of FPGA tools, this implementation includes EDA tools from Huada Empyrean. In terms of specifications, this platform is designed to handle the load of […]

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As we are only starting to make more information about InTime available publicly, there hasn’t been release-oriented posts until now. Going forward we’ll aim to accompany every release with a post highlighting new features as well as adding detailed release notes to the InTime documentation. If you’re not quite sure what InTime is yet, check […]

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Early this year, we released InTime under a closed-door early access program to a handful of customers. From the various feedback and feature requests, it is currently undergoing a series of rapid upgrades and improvements. We are excited by the support and insights that InTime is delivering to customers. For the rest of the world […]

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During InTime development, we got curious about the commonly-held premise that Area and Speed (and correspondingly, timing score) have an inverse relationship. Meaning that if you want more speed, you’d need to sacrifice area and vice versa. So we did tests on many designs to verify this relationship. Basically to obtain the results, we built […]

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This is a recap of a event that we did in Shanghai. The text is mainly in Chinese. If you need the details in English, do let us know. Cheers! 如何使用机器学习技术来解决FPGA设计上的问题 2014年3月29日在IC咖啡上海站讨论在FPGA设计里工程师与设计团队所面对的问题,及如何应用数据分析和机器学习演算法来解决。 【主讲人】 黄瀚华, 技术副总裁  张伟雄 Kirvy,  产品总裁  讲座分享内容: 一、机器学习: · 定义:专门研究计算机怎样模拟或实现人类的学习行为,以获取新的知识或技能,重新组织已有的知识结构使之不断改善自身的性能。 · 机器学习技术很适合用在所谓的“大数据”应用,例如网络商家的商品推荐系统、石油开采的开采地点预测工具等。 · FPGA设计其实也包含了大数据的特征,所以时序、利用率、功耗方面的问题都能以机器学习技术来解决。 二、新的解决方案: · 采用机器学习演算法,胜过现有的方法(例:尝试不同的“种子”)几倍。 · 流程: (一)分析FPGA器件、设计项目、约束条件等输入参数,以及编译过程中所达到的时序频率、利用率和功耗等结果之间的相关性。 (二)推断对项目最有利的综合、布局布线设置参数。 (三)产生新的编译设置的组合。 (四)从结果中不断学习新的相关性,不断自我改良。 […]

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Today we launched Users in China will be able to enjoy a faster and smoother experience. Upon clicking on the login button, they will be re-directed to a server located in China which acts as a “gateway” to the Amazon Web Services cloud. If you have been in China, even in major cities like […]

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The days where Username and Password authentication sufficed for logging in to my email – only for me to check “remember me” – are long gone.  Lo and behold, a new generation (pun intended) of One-Time-Password (OTP) dongles are here to weigh our pockets down.  The extra weight not only makes the authentication process a […]

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