FPGA Expansion Pack

How to download results with FPGA Expansion Pack in Vivado

122 views July 25, 2018 November 28, 2018 Kirvy Teo 0

To download results in the FPGA Expansion Pack in Vivado, click on the "Download Cloud Results" button as shown below.


It will first prompt you for the credentials. After that, just select the "Job Name" and click "Download". Note that the job name corresponds to the runs name in Vivado.


The number 80461 refers to the job ID. You can also check the results online at https://cloud.plunify.com/results by specifying your Job ID.

After download, the Vivado GUI will refresh and you will see the results in the "Design Runs" tab. You can debug the result as per normal.


Applies to:

Linux Operating System
Windows Operating System

Knowledge Base ID: - Last Review: Nov 28, 2018 - Revision: 1.0

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