
One popular example of a custom Tcl script in InTime is one that automatically executes multiple InTime Recipes in a user-defined order. For example, you can create a Tcl script to run InTime Recipe in the order of Hot Start -> InTime Default -> Deep Dive -> Seed Effort Level Exploration When each recipe completes, […]

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Hi! We are happy to announce that InTime now supports the inheritance of Auto Placement assignments. This means that LogicLock or LogicLock Plus assignments created via the Auto Placement recipe will be passed onto its child revisions. For example, Tommy ran his design in InTime for three rounds. 1st round  : InTime Default 2nd round: Auto Placement 3rd […]

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The Auto Placement recipe in InTime now supports Quartus Prime Pro Edition (in addition to Quartus-II and Quartus Prime Std Edition). Recall from Automatic placement adjustments in Quartus that the Auto Placement recipe analyses the locations of failing timing paths, and re-locates them based on what the tool learns about the design’s characteristics, without changing any source […]

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While LogicLock assignments enable users to constrain their Quartus designs’ placement locations as part of floor-planning, at Plunify we’ve always been thinking about intelligently doing targeted LogicLock adjustments to improve design performance. This idea has now been implemented into a new recipe in InTime 1.6.0 called Auto Placement. The new Auto Placement recipe performs automatic placement adjustments to […]

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